PRO package

Comprehensive services for companies on SM platforms

PRO package is an offer directed to companies and businesses which are aware of their needs and would like to competenlty utilize possibilities brought by the presence in selected social media, independently on their character.

Awareness of a brand and its value, PR and image creation, sales suport or setting up a separate distribution channel, highly effective remarketing campaigns, traffic consolidation – these are only some of the benefits that might come from professional services for social media channels.

PRO package – individual pricing

The service scope within the PRO package has no limits.
The goals and methods to achieve them we choose after thorough analysis of activity character of our customers, set marketing strategy and media plans and their current resources – websites and other communication platforms.
During implementation of activities we continuously analyze traffic and its quality to implement appropriate corrections on the fly.
We have been trusted by the biggest brands for which we have been managing communication for many years.

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