Our Offer

Our Offer

Webpages and online services

We design and implement webpages and www portals at all levels of difficulty and complexity.

Starting from simple information webpages, through eshops to complicated and sophisticated webportals.

We fully understand that nowadays the webpage is a basic necessity, therefore our offer covers solutions for everyone, at all price levels.

Social Media

We create and manage for our customers profiles of different types – image, sales, information.

We choose appropriate platforms, plan communication and utilize social media potential dependently on targets our customers want to reach and the budget they have at their disposal.

Simple and clear offer is tailored to requirements of everyone.


We successfully conduct advertisement campagins in the internet.
We optimize expenses and improve conversion by using all available sources, methods and tools.

We act precisely and effectively no matter if our customer wants to increase the webpage traffic, sell a product or a service or promote an image of the company.


Mobile applications are one of the most effective loyalty methods, and as we know, retaining customer is much more difficult than his or hers acquisition.

The application is an advanced, tailored platform which continuously and directly keeps the customer in contact with the company, its products or services.

We create catalogues, eshops, social platforms and implement loyalty programs within mobile applications.

Graphics, Films

All graphical forms make communication in the internet more attractive.
The same rule applies to leaflets, posters or advertisement in press.

Our graphic designers have been creating graphics for our customers for many years.

We also make advertisement movies, clips documenting events and presenting an offer of our customers.


We solve issues connected with communication between multiple systems.

Integrating webpage or eshop with external database or databases, dynamic pricelist depending on external factors, CRM systems or other solutions do not pose a problem to us.

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